Wednesday 10 September 2008

Wednesday 10th September

Just thought i'd give a quick catch up on how Rick is getting on. No post for yesterday as when i got back home about 830pm Rick couldnt get any signal in the remote sticks of Scotland- I believe Rick had already gone to bed, this city boy aint used to all that fresh air and physical work!!!!

All is going very well indeed, Rick is managing to do the miles and has been arriving at his accommodation around 3pm so he gets a long evening to relax. Rick informs me that Scotland looks pretty damn beautiful and Tom is managing to take lets of photos of it too. Ricks spirits have been a little dampened today by the news he wont be able to get the beloved tegi (thats Integra to you and me!) on his way home Friday. Apparently theres some sort of bumper scratch that needs looking at first??? Anyway, will be ready for him in a week so not much longer til the white beauty arrives at no.36! 

So tommorrow is actually Ricks last cycling day and the arrival at John O'Groats and the completion of the 18 month mental challenge that has been the LEJOG! Lets hope he feels very proud of himself when he gets there cos I sure know he's worked very hard and deserves the achievement x

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