Monday, 8 September 2008

Monday 8th Spetember

Just got off the phone to Rick and he sounds very proud of himself since he cycled 80 miles today and was at the hotel for 3pm! The roads were pretty hilly but the new gears are helping Rick bomb up them without too much trouble. Somehow this morning Tom (in the car, with the map and the sat nav) managed to get lost off the route and Rick had to direct him until they eventually crossed paths again. It looks like they've gone into the highlands now, Rick sent me some pictures of the views he's beens cycling through today, looks very beautiful, the kind of photos the Scottish tourist board would want you to see! To finish a pretty successful day Rick ordered two main courses down the pub and went to bed early podged on a calorie overload.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like its going well mate, and that the new gears are making it a bit easier. Sounds like you're making good time (I must have been slowing you down last year!) Hope the rest of the trip goes well.